Group 5: Dance Your Cares Away
Meeting #1,
Planning Session: 20th November
Making a tasks list and Gantt chart for the future meetings and important deadlines set for ourselves. Assigning research to each member for the next meeting, making a list of possible components needed to make the order process smoother.
Tasks and meetings:
- Updating the design blog
- Gantt chart
- Project task list
- Research on sensors
- Flex
- Accelerometer
- Tilt
- Data inputted and used
- Research on coding required and existing projects
- Sway beads on kabokant.com
- Research on Adafruit Flora
- Meeting to discuss findings and finalise the project
- Drawing/sketch
- Materials list
- Design the finalised bra
- Email to order materials
- Low-fi prototype 1A
- Arduino board, sensors interaction with LEDs
- Pseudocode
- Test code
- Low-fi prototype 1B
- Attach LEDs and sensors to bra and test on Arduino
- Redesign and sew bra based on prototype 1B
- Low-fi prototype 2
- Flora board, sensors interaction with LED strip
- Display different patterns
- Pseudocode
- Test code
- Final prototyping phase
- Coding Flora
- Put together Flora and bra
- Final working prototype
- Maker Manual
- Overview section with pictures/video and description of the final product
- Tools and supplies section with details of elements required to be made
- Layout and circuit diagram section
- Building section, making the physical aspects of the project
- Code section with comments and sketches
- Discussion of testing conducted and known shortcomings
- Online Portfolio
Possible materials to order:
- Flora Adafruit
- Fabric for leotard
- Fabric for bra
- Flex sensors/fabric
- Beads
- RGB LEDs/LED strip
- Conductive thread/wire
Meeting #2,
Brainstorming Session: 21st November
Discussing the research that was made beforehand to fully comprehend the spectrum of our project. Deciding on the project idea and its execution. Sketching the bodysuit and bra, finding the right sensors and interactions to match the movement and music. The project includes a dance bodysuit with knitted flex sensors on it to detect movement, then the bra would have a microphone at the back to detect the music’s beat. LED strips and LEDs would then be added on the bodysuit and bra. The movements would affect the LEDs’ pattern, the brightness and the colour of the LEDs flashing. The microphone, on the other hand, would determine the speed of the animation through the tempo of the music.
Meeting #3,
Low-fi Prototype 1A: 25th November
Wiring fabric containing knitted flex sensor to the circuit to test the output on the Serial Monitor. Several tests and attempts including: lighting up LEDs to find thresholds, calibrating the fabric in the code, trying to stretch the fabric and inspect the values on the Serial Monitor. The flex sensor proved very temperamental to work with, making the results quite unreliable.
Meeting #4,
Low-fi Prototype 1B: 27th November
Twisting the legs of LEDs to make a hook that can be sewn on the bra using wires and conductive thread. Calibrating the flex sensor for accuracy and a reliable answer with a threshold, changing the code in order to get an input on the Serial Monitor.
Meeting #5,
Low-fi Prototype 1B: 2nd December
After receiving the sound module, sketches were made to test the detection of sound and the beat of the music. The sound module, unfortunately, cannot detect the beat, just the presence of sound. Different attempts were made with Arduino to check for sound detection and increase sensitivity and threshold to test.
Meeting #6,
Final Project: 4th December
Preparing the RGB LEDs, white LEDs, wires and coding the final prototype. These elements are essential and need preparation before sewing. The LEDs legs were twisted to be sewn after differentiating anode and cathode. Wires were colour-coded, cut and placed in advance on the bra.
Meeting #7,
Final Project: 9th December
Sewing LEDs on the bra and white LEDs in columns to act as strips on the mesh bodysuit. Preparing resistors to be sewn. As a substitute for the LED strips, 20 LEDs were wired in a column on the bodysuit, 10 on each side and 6 shift registers were placed in between for easy wiring of the LED bra and the strips.
Meeting #8,
Final Project: 10th December
Preparation of the 330 Ohms and 560 Ohms for the RGB LEDs and white ones. Coding and figuring the number, grouping and the placement of the shift registers. Wiring everything together, and testing it. The conductive thread was very unreliable for a constant connection, use of wires in between LEDs by hooking them to LEDs and resistors. The connection was not always reliable which cause the LEDs to not always light up or required someone pushing on the fabric to force the wires to touch each other. The LEDs on the bra were grouped by 5 to give us 30 LEDs, this mapped out to give a star effect all over it. This also includes the attribution of LEDs to the registers.
//declare pinsU int serialIn = 0; int registerClk = 1; int serialClk = 12; int serialClr = 9; int scrollVal = 0; int turnPin = A10; //boob groups int groupBrightness = 10; //blinking tempo for fading effect int groupOn = 0; //the group that will be on int leftLine[10] = {19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28}; //holds the position of each LED int rightLine[10] = {29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38}; //as above //loop and tempo related declarations int current = 295; //number count down int rounds = 1; int tempo; //delay after each round //colour related variables int c = 0; //variable for storing at which point in the colours array to show. int colours[] = {1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1}; //array to store the pattern for the colours //stores rgb colours //1 for on //0 for off void setup() { //setting the mode of the pins pinMode(serialIn, OUTPUT); pinMode(registerClk, OUTPUT); pinMode(serialClk, OUTPUT); pinMode(serialClr, OUTPUT); //setting the initial pin values digitalWrite(serialIn, LOW); digitalWrite(registerClk, LOW); digitalWrite(serialClk, LOW); digitalWrite(serialClr, LOW); //clearing out the registers digitalWrite(registerClk, HIGH); digitalWrite(registerClk, LOW); digitalWrite(serialClr, HIGH); Serial.begin(9600); } //contains everything that happens in a single moment, // determined by the delay void loop() { digitalWrite(registerClk, LOW); //resets the clock scrollVal = analogRead(turnPin); Serial.println(scrollVal); int tempo = map(scrollVal, 0, 1023, 10, 500); //fade in/out moment, dependant on group of LEDs int remainder = current % groupBrightness; char fade = 0; //0 is fade in , 1 is fade out Serial.println(current); Serial.println(remainder); if (remainder == 0) { callmLED(groupOn); Serial.println(groupOn); Serial.println("done here"); if (fade == 0) { rounds++; //adding rounds if (rounds == 5) { //below swaps fade to fade out groupBrightness --; if (groupBrightness == 0) { fade = 1; } } } else if (fade == 1) { rounds--; //subtracting rounds if (rounds == 0) { //below swaps fade to fade in/out groupBrightness ++; if (groupBrightness == 10) { fade = 0; Serial.println(fade); //groupOn ++; } } } } else { groupOFF(); } callSingleLED(rounds); digitalWrite(registerClk, HIGH); //sends the signals down. if ( current == 0) { current = 295; //groupOn = groupOn + 1; Serial.println(groupOn); if (groupOn == 3) { groupOn = 0; } } if ((current % 10) == 0) { changeColour; } delay(tempo); current --; if (current == 0) { current = 255; } } void changeColour() { c = c + 3; //below resets the c variable back to zero so that the cycle continues if ( c == 21) { c = 0; } } //1. calling group led types. multicolour //total 30 LEDs, 3 groups void groupOFF() { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { allOFF; } } //calls the coloured LED void callmLED(int i) { if (i == 0) { allON; allOFF; allOFF; allON; allOFF; allOFF; } if (i == 1) { allOFF; allON; allOFF; allOFF; allON; allOFF; } if (i == 2) { allOFF; allOFF; allON; allOFF; allOFF; allON; } } //calls the led "strips" void callSingleLED(int ledNumber) { int leftonLED = leftLine[ledNumber]; int rightonLED = rightLine[ledNumber]; //left line turn all off aside from main for (int offLed = leftLine[0]; offLed < (leftonLED - 1); offLed++) { digitalWrite(serialIn, LOW); digitalWrite(serialClk, HIGH); digitalWrite(serialClk, LOW); } for (int onLed = 0; onLed < 1; onLed++) { digitalWrite(serialIn, HIGH); digitalWrite(serialClk, HIGH); digitalWrite(serialClk, LOW); } for (int offLed = leftonLED; offLed < leftLine[10]; offLed++) { digitalWrite(serialIn, LOW); digitalWrite(serialClk, HIGH); digitalWrite(serialClk, LOW); //below repeated for the right line. for (int offLed = rightLine[0]; offLed < (rightonLED - 1); offLed++) { digitalWrite(serialIn, LOW); digitalWrite(serialClk, HIGH); digitalWrite(serialClk, LOW); } for (int onLed = 0; onLed < 1; onLed++) { digitalWrite(serialIn, HIGH); digitalWrite(serialClk, HIGH); digitalWrite(serialClk, LOW); } for (int offLed = rightonLED; offLed < rightLine[10]; offLed++) { digitalWrite(serialIn, LOW); digitalWrite(serialClk, HIGH); digitalWrite(serialClk, LOW); } } } //turns all the multicoloured LEDs OFF void allOFF() { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { digitalWrite(serialIn, LOW); digitalWrite(serialClk, HIGH); digitalWrite(serialClk, LOW); } } //turn numbers on, for whichever numbers on RGB colourings void allON() { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int colour = colours[i + c]; if (colour == 1) { digitalWrite(serialIn, HIGH); digitalWrite(serialClk, HIGH); digitalWrite(serialClk, LOW); } else { digitalWrite(serialIn, LOW); digitalWrite(serialClk, HIGH); digitalWrite(serialClk, LOW); } } }
Maker Manual
Click on this link to be able to follow the Maker Manual for our project.
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