Dr Akram Alomainy

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), Senior Tutor (Postgraduate) and Chair of Staff Student Liaison Committee (Postgraduate). Research portfolio of £3.7m (£1.1m as PI). Expertise from the basics of antennas, electromagnetic and networking to telerobotics, cognitive radio and wearable technologies at the Antennas and Electromagnetics Research Group, the Centre for Intelligent Sensing and Institute of Bioengineering. Over 240 publications in leading journals and international conferences (4000+ citations and H-index of 29). Recipient of the 2011 British Science Festival Isambard Kingdom Brunel Award, participant at ‘I’m a Scientist! Get me out of here’March 2012 and TEDx 2012 Speaker. College member of EPSRC, Senior member of IEEE and member of IET.
Dr Laurissa Tokarchuk
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), Equality Diversity and Inclusion Champion and research lead on the EPSRC doctoral training centre in Intelligent Games and Game Intelligence. As a member of Cognitive Science, Game AI and The Centre for Intelligent Sensing (CIS), her research expertise include merging AI with mobile and social sensing to detect events and behaviours in crowds and games, and the use of technology to promote learning/well-being. Her research with social and mobile sensors to detect events and behaviours in crowds and games has resulted in the widely used SensingKit framework, , media appearances in the Guardian and BBC (Royal Institution Christmas Lectures).
Teodoro Dannemann <t.dannemann@qmul.ac.uk>, Brenden O’Connor (b.d.oconnor@qmul.ac.uk) and Hadeel Saleh Alrubayyi <h.s.alrubayyi@qmul.ac.uk>
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