Day 5, Building the Board

Day 5, Building the Board

Today we continued finishing the physical components of the board game. First we attached the neopixels onto a sheet of cardboard so they were secured into the correctly sized grid. We wanted to make the finished product look presentable, and resemble a traditional board game which players would be familiar with.we folded the cardboard over the top of the neopixels, and cut a hole the size of the board and attached a game surface to cover the board.

Next, we printed out an 8×8 grid with the same spacing as the lights on the neopixels which made it more clear which lights corresponded to each space on the board. Attaching this over the top of the board of LEDs also dispersed the light slightly so they shined evenly and were not too bright. We then sealed the pieces of cardboard together so it made a coherent game board, but allowed us to still access the neopixels if need be.

