Pseudo Code Part A

Pseudo Code Part A


  •         DECLARE int variable for maximum number of rounds (default is 10) (maxRounds)
  •         DECLARE int variable to record number of rounds passed (default is 0) (currentRound)
  •         DECLARE colour Array of possible colours displayed on LED (possibleColours[])
  •         DECLARE class for all the possible colour combinations to be stored in colour array
  •         DECLARE random int from 0- Length of array of possible colours
  •         DECLARE int variable for number of points gained for both Player 1 and Player 2 (default is 0)

SETUP link all buttons to correct digital pin (eg. 1-4 for player1, 5-8 for player2)

//(PLAYER1)  1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = black, 4 = white

//(PLAYER 2) 5 = red, 6 = green, 7 = black, 8 = white

Game Flow:

LOOP FOR maxRounds (default is 10){

  •         Text on screen: “Round ” + currentRound
  •         Play sound file (currentRound announcement)
  •         currentRound increment by 1
  •         display random LED colour
  •         DECLARE int variable for number of milliseconds passed (updates)
  •         if player1 presses correct random LED colour, DECLARE int variable (p1miliseconds passed)
  •         if player2 presses correct random LED colour, DECLARE int variable (p2miliseconds passed)
  •         COMPARE which is the smaller amount
  •         If player1 is smaller, player1Point++
  •         If player2 is smaller, player2point++


IF currentRound == maxRounds

Move on to part 2!!


  • DECLARE int array (0-3) (each index corresponding to the 4 different BG colours)
  • DECLARE int array (0-3) (each index corresponding to the 4 different FG colours)

DECLARE function to generate the displayed LED screen
