Post #1 Speed base-2 : The Initiation

Post #1 Speed base-2 : The Initiation

Meeting No. 1: Wednesday 22nd November 2017

Planning, initial ideas, time management…

Our Concept

Round 1: Each player has four different coloured buttons. The motor displays random color (out of four). Users need to react to the color displayed by pressing the coloured button that correlates to the colour on the motor. The user will be notiified if answer was wrong or right via sounds. One sound positive the other negative. This round goes for ten times before moving on to round two. (Buttons are in a diamond formation.)

Round Two: Two tones correlated with two buttons (right and left buttons). Players press button that represents the tone that is played. This round goes for ten times before moving on to the optional round three. One LED on breadboard that will change colour (red or green) based on the player’s answer being wrong or right after each reaction to tone played.

Winner announced at the end.


Components Required:

  • MP3 player shield
  • LED screen shield
  • 2X 4 button shields

Meeting No.2: Friday 24th November 2017

Ordered materials for the game:

  • LCD display with coloured TFT LED display
  • Coloured buttons

Materials from the lab for the game:

  • MP3 Arduino Shield
  • Coloured buttons (that may be used)

Still need to get:

  • Headphone splitters

Meeting No. 3: Monday 27 November 2017

Name for the game: Speed2 ( base 2)

We were inspired by the goal of the game, which is to be the fastest to react to sound and visuals as well as the computer science aspect and use of binary.

Font for the game: barbatrick

Logo for the game: flames attached to the common symbol of the play button (to represent game mode) and base 2.

This picture represents the brainstorming process for naming the game, choosing a font, and a logo. The circled items represent what we chose for the name, font, and logo.

Delegated tasks for next meeting, which will occur on Friday 1st December 2017 at 1:30pm.

  • Michael pseudocode: Round 1 and working prototype of audio
  • Karla pseudocode: Round 2
  • Dalilah pseudocode: Relating to extra functionality such as introduction, announcement of win, accumulation of points, etc